Gympie Flexible Learning Centre
History and Philosophy
Gympie Flexible Learning Centre (FLC) officially opened as a registered school in 2012. It evolved from “It’s up to you Gympie”, an outreach program that was an annex from the Noosa Flexible Learning Centre. Since 2008 Gympie FLC has progressed from a mobile service with two staff and 15 young people to a purpose built building with 12 staff and 65 young people. A mile stone in our young history was our official opening. Young people, families, staff and communities members gathered for the joyous occasion. Gympie FLC was graced with special guest including Uncle Eugene from the Gubbi Gubbi Tribe, who commenced the proceedings with a welcome to country, Most Reverend Brian V Finnigan DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane and Br Paul Oakley CFC President, EREA who unveiled the plaque and officiated the opening. Wayne Tinsey, Executive Director, gave a warming address and Dale Murray, Direction of Youth Plus Master of Ceremony for the afternoons proceedings. Gympie embraces the philosophy of “walking with” as guests in the lives of those that we work with and for. This is based on a common ground that is created through all participants fostering the four principles of operation; RESPECT, HONESTY, SAFE AND LEGAL and PARTICIPATION. Operating with the four principles works on the basis that everyone is accountable for their behaviours. It is about negotiation and providing opportunities to discuss issues and find resolutions. Relationships are at the core of our work and are based on a respect for personal dignity and recognition of difference. We value that each person has a story that shapes their world view and that their story is always changing and growing. We focus on all participants being actively involved in creating and recreating the school community they want to experience.
Each young person at Gympie FLC has staff who support them in their health and wellbeing. At the Gympie FLC site these staff include their classroom teacher for core literacy/numeracy and at least one other significant worker. The role of the team is to establish a close relationship to the young person, to monitor their progress, to advocate on their behalf, to provide advice, direction and support during difficult personal issues, and overall to support the young person to achieve their stated personal and educational goals. The role of staff is broad in scope, in-depth in its substance, and long-term in relationship. It includes:
- In-house mentoring and advocacy
- Supporting the young person and their families in times of emotional crisis or practical need
- Maintaining the close partnership between school, young person and parent/carer
- Working in partnership with other agencies who are involved with students e.g. CYMHS (Child Youth Mental Health Service), Department of Communities, Child Safety & Disabilities, Youth Justice etc
- Supporting and mentoring young people who live independently
- Helping students to build capacity and resilience in social and emotional aspects of their lives
- Informally helping young people develop positive self-concept
- Supporting young people with issues of drug misuse and self harm
- Networking with other agencies such as Youth and Family Services to provide specialist assistance e.g. family mediation, counselling, anger management.